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Friday, January 7, 2011

Boxing Down Under

     Boxing as a sport has enjoyed a very long history dating back to ancient times. Although gloves were frequently used by fighters there was a period in time when boxers went bareknuckle to fight their bouts. On January 7, 1814 at the Sydney Racetrack the first bareknuckle fight to be held in Australia took place the two fighters were Australian John Berringer and Englishman Charles Lifton. The fight went on for close to three hours. After 36 rounds Berringer was declared the winner.
  This is the oldest event to be profiled in  my book "The Biggest This Date in Sports History Book yet". I have completed writing the book, all I need is a publisher. If you cant help me find a publisher, please click on the blogs advertisements, that is how I make money. Soon there after I can write a better blog and get a publisher and you get the chancce to read a really book.
  Until then please keep reading my blog and tomorrow we will will look at an interesting basketball game played in Chicago. I am hoping to get the chance to write another Bonus Blog this weekend, any nominations as to topic?

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