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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Where were the Goalies

On this date, December 11, 1985 the edminton Oilers led by Center Wayne "The Great One" Gretzky traveled to Chicago Stadium in Chicago, Illinois to met the Blackhawks. If the fans were hoping for a more typical 1-0 or 2-1 game, they were badly disappointed. In a game where the home team scores 9 goals more often then not the home team has an excellent shot at winning the game. This however was not the case, as Gretzky and Company scored 12 goals in a very record setting game.
Among the many records tied in this wild one were: Most goals scored by both clubs, most points scored by both clubs (62) and most goals scored by both clubs in one period (12 in the second period). The Oilers had 12 of 23 assists in the second period and 24 of 41 assists in the game. Gretzky had 7 assists in the game.
Meanwhile at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan the Minnesota NorthStars 10-2 beating of the Red Wings looked quiet in comparsion.
Tomorrow we will look at some record setting basketball games.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The designated Hitter

On December 10, 1972, Baseballs' American League voted to experiment with the designated hitter for a period of 3 years. Whether or you like the rule has fueld many great debates. The history of the DH is much deeper then most fans know. On December 11, 1928, National League President John Heydler proposed its use. He was not the first, nor the last over the course of the next 44 years.
On January 31, 1969 permission was granted to four minor leagues to use different versions of the designated hitter rule. The leagues were the International, Eastern, Texas and New York Pennsylvania Leagues. It is these experiments that lead to the rule that the American League adopted. I do find it strange that the International League wa sselected as the AAA league to use the rule as just 8 years before, the Pacific Coast League had its request turned down on March 30, 1961.
Most fans follow league lines on whether or not they like with most American League fans being for it. What are your thoughts.
As for tomorrow, I am planning a look at record setting NHL Hockey Game. Any suggestions to this blog would be greatly appreicated, okay that and a click or two on an ad. Have a great weekend everyone!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A One Sided Championship

Just three weeks after a 7-3 beating by the Washington Redskins, the Chicago Bears went to Griffith Stadium in Washington, DC on December 8, 1940 for a rematch. This time they were meeting for all the marbles, the league championship game.
The Bears bought with them the T formation and used it quite well against the 'Skins, beating them by a score of 73-0. The Bears set numerous league records, some of which still stand today. They scored 11 touchdowns, 4 of them in the third quarter. They racked up 501 total yards and stil had to punt twice.
The game was the first NFL title game to be broadcast on coast to coast radio.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Professional league baseball as with any new enterprise got off to a rocky start. The first league was called the National Association. The league throughout its five season history was in constant flux with clubs coming and going. Part of the leagues problems were corruption. The gamblers were everywwhere. Another problem was the $10 franchise fee. With all the problems, some of the league leaders wanted more.
On February 2, 1876 8 clubs formed the National League. The clubs represented were Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; Cincinnati, OH; Hartford, CT; Louisville, KY; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA and Saint Louis, MO. The league members were adament about running the league without scandal. At the end of the first season, the New York and Philadelphia Clubs elected not to make their final western road trip.
On December 7, 1876, many years before Pearl Harbor, at the league meeting the issue came to a head. The New York and Philadelphia Clubs were expelled by the league. The league went on for 6 seasons without 2 of the biggest markets in the league. The Boston and Chicago clubs remain in the league to this day as the Braves and the Cubs. The City of Philadelphia remained out of the Majors until 1882 when they got a berth in the newly formed American Association. The City of New York remained out of the Majors when the were allowed, with a new Philadelphia Club , to return to the National League. The Phillies remain in the league today, the Giants live in San Francisco as the World Champions.
Tomorrow we look at a very one sided championship football game.

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Triple Overtime Thriller plus

One thing that the NBA did many years ago was put together 4 team doubleheaders. One such occasion was December 6, 1958, when a four team doubleheader was played at Keil Auditorium in Saint Louis, Missouri. In the first game the Cincinnati Royals defeated the Minneapolis Lakers in a thrilling 132-128, triple overtime game. In almost seemed anti-climatic when the Saint Louis Hawks defeated the Philadelphia Warriors 107-97.
Tomorrow we look at a transaction of teams in the National League.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

MCI Center

On December 5, 1997, just three days after hosting its first NBA game, the MCI Center hosted its first NHL game. The new arena replaced the U.S. Airways Arena in nearby Landover, MD as the home arena for the Washington Wizards basketball team and the Washington Capitals Hockey team, where the tow teams had played for 24 seasons.
On this date, the Caps defeated the Florida Panthers in overtime. The arena is now known as the Verizon Center in 2006.
Tomorrow we will discuss a 1958 triple overtime thriller.