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Friday, December 10, 2010

The designated Hitter

On December 10, 1972, Baseballs' American League voted to experiment with the designated hitter for a period of 3 years. Whether or you like the rule has fueld many great debates. The history of the DH is much deeper then most fans know. On December 11, 1928, National League President John Heydler proposed its use. He was not the first, nor the last over the course of the next 44 years.
On January 31, 1969 permission was granted to four minor leagues to use different versions of the designated hitter rule. The leagues were the International, Eastern, Texas and New York Pennsylvania Leagues. It is these experiments that lead to the rule that the American League adopted. I do find it strange that the International League wa sselected as the AAA league to use the rule as just 8 years before, the Pacific Coast League had its request turned down on March 30, 1961.
Most fans follow league lines on whether or not they like with most American League fans being for it. What are your thoughts.
As for tomorrow, I am planning a look at record setting NHL Hockey Game. Any suggestions to this blog would be greatly appreicated, okay that and a click or two on an ad. Have a great weekend everyone!!

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