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Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Professional league baseball as with any new enterprise got off to a rocky start. The first league was called the National Association. The league throughout its five season history was in constant flux with clubs coming and going. Part of the leagues problems were corruption. The gamblers were everywwhere. Another problem was the $10 franchise fee. With all the problems, some of the league leaders wanted more.
On February 2, 1876 8 clubs formed the National League. The clubs represented were Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; Cincinnati, OH; Hartford, CT; Louisville, KY; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA and Saint Louis, MO. The league members were adament about running the league without scandal. At the end of the first season, the New York and Philadelphia Clubs elected not to make their final western road trip.
On December 7, 1876, many years before Pearl Harbor, at the league meeting the issue came to a head. The New York and Philadelphia Clubs were expelled by the league. The league went on for 6 seasons without 2 of the biggest markets in the league. The Boston and Chicago clubs remain in the league to this day as the Braves and the Cubs. The City of Philadelphia remained out of the Majors until 1882 when they got a berth in the newly formed American Association. The City of New York remained out of the Majors when the were allowed, with a new Philadelphia Club , to return to the National League. The Phillies remain in the league today, the Giants live in San Francisco as the World Champions.
Tomorrow we look at a very one sided championship football game.

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