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Saturday, March 26, 2011

A New League South of the Border

  On March 26, 1964 the Class A Mexican Southeast League began play. It was the fourth league South of the Mexican border to be admitted into the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues an organization now simly known aas Minor League Baseball. The first three were the Mexican National League which did not survive its first year which was 1946. The second one was the Mexican League which was admitted in 1955 and is to this day running strong. The third league was the Mexican Center League which was admitted in 1960 and lasted until 1978.

   For the 1964 season the league had one club in each of the States of Campeche, Tabasco, Veracruz and Yucatan. The would later add a couple of teams and peak out at six clubs before it folded after the 1970 season. Only the team from Tabasco would be there in the final season.

   The answer to yesterdays trivia question is the first NHL player to win the most valuable player wawrd went to Frank Nighbor the center for the Ottawa Senators for the 1923-24 playing season. He would later be elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1947.

   Todays trivia question is in the history of the league, how many NHL players were born in South Korea? The answer in tomorrows daily blog on another very short lived baseball league. 


Friday, March 25, 2011

This Is The End, ... For These Leagues

     On March 25, 1953 the Southwest International League folded. Exactly six years later the Arizona-Mexico League folded as well. These two leagues were part of a long line of professional baseball leagues that played successfully for more then a few seasons and then due to circumstances beyond their control were forced into the history books never to be heard from again. These two leagues actually shared a common history at one point in time.

   The Arizona State League became a Class "D" minor league in 1928. The league had functioned for a couple of seasons before that but, as a semi-pro league. For 1931 the league changed its name to the Arizona-Texas League and played that way for many seasons. The league also had two major breaks in its history. From mid 1932 until the 1937 season started and a few seasons off for World War 2. The league came back strong after the war.

    For the 1947 season the Sunset League a mostly Southern California League began play. The league played 4 seasons before starting to run into trouble. The league had trouble finding a sixth team to join the league for the 1951 season. The Arizona-Texas League was having the same problem. A merger called the Southwest International League was formed. The 10 club league lasted for one year before the Arizona-Texas League clubs withdrew to reform their own league. Despite a gimmick or two the former Sunset League clubs struggled to get through the 1952 season. One of its clubs was an all-black club that struggled through three homes and still failed to complete the season. The end came as described above.

   The Arizona-Texas had a few more seasons left in it. At one point in time the league admitted a couple of towns from Mexico and the leagues name was changed to the Arizona-Mexican League. The death knell for the league began to toll at the end of the 1957 season when the Dodgers and Giants moved west. The San Francisco Seals franchise of the Pacific Coast League was transferred to Phoenix and the the AZ-Mex League was forced to find a smaller town to fill the void. It did not work the league was doomed. An attempt to revise the league in 2003 did not work either as the revised league struggled to make it through just one season. Many other leagues not just in baseball alone share similar histories. If you wait long enough I will get to each and everyone of them.

   The answer to yesterdays trivia question is in the 1955-56 season Bob Pettit of the Saint Louis Hawks won the first Most Valuable Player award. Pettit who had previously been named Rookie of the Year, would later get elected to the Hall of Fame.

   Todays trivia question is who was the first MVP award winner in the National Hockey League?
   Tomorrow we go back down South of the Mexican border, way south of the border.  

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Not The Arena Football League

  Today we are looking at the National Indoor Football League. The league began play in the year 2001 and played 7 seasons. For the most part they were a national league having clubs from coast to coast. On March 24, 2006 during the league second to last season a couple of the leagues wildest games were played.

   At the Casper Events Center in Casper, Wyoming the Wyoming Calavry defeated the Big Sky Thunder of Bozeman, Montana by a score of 86-30. A very impressive score to be sure, however the were not the scoring kings of the day. That honor went to the Rapid City Flying Aces who treated their vistors the Lincoln Capitols to a 90-8 beating at the Don Barnett Arena. The NIFL was like that somme clubs scored very high scores and som estruggled to score at all. Many times roles were reversed in the next meeting.

   The answer to yesterdays trivia question is the Soviet Union had collected 110 total metals, Russia has collected 69 metals for a total of 179 metals. The United States despite a 28 year disadvantage has collected a total of 182 metals. If the question were strictly gold metals it would be USSR 44, Russia 30 (74 total) and the United States has 51.

   Todays trivia question is who won the first National Basketball Association Most Valuable Player Award? The answer in tomorrows daily blog about low minor league baseball in the Southwest USA.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another New Football League

    Many team sports leagues come and go, that what makes sports history fun. One such league was originally called the World League of American Football. The ten club league lasted two years before taking the next two years off to rebrand itself as an all-European league for a  12 season run. The league played its first games on March 23, 1991.

   The ten teams were the Barcelona (Spain) Dragons, Birmingham (Alabama) Fire, Frankfurt (Germany) Galaxy, London (England) Monarchs, Montreal (Quebec) Machine, New York-New Jersey Knights, Orlando (Florida) Thunder, Raleigh-Durham (North Carolina) Skyhawks, Sacramento (CA) Surge and the San Antonio (Texas) Riders. For the second season the Skyhawks moved to Columbus, Ohio and became the Ohio Glory. One of the things  that I find interesting is that the London Monarchs would later play some home games in Birmingham, England.

   When the league went all Europe, it had clubs in England, Scotland, Germany, Netherlands and Spain. What many people dont realize is that there was league for American Football clubs already in Europe. The Europe Football League has operated since 1986. The EFL has had clubs in Austria, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, Finland and Netherlands. The continent has also had the German Football League since 1979.
The NFL Europe folded after 2007 season but, the other leagues continue on.

   The answer to yesterdays trivia question is in 1896 4 skaters and 5 judges showed up on February 9 at Saint Petersburg, Russia for the World Figure Skating Championships. The ladies did not compete until 1906 and amazingly enough the first North American did not compete until 1924. The first time it was held outside of Europe was in 1930 when it was held at New York City.
  Todays trivia question is the USSR/Russian and American teams have won the most metals in at the World Figure Skating Championships. Of the two teams which has won the most metals? The answer in tomorrows daily blog on the National Indoor Football League.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Young Champion

     Today we look at an event occuring on March 22, 1997. On that date at the age of 14 years and 10 months, Tara Lipinski of the United States won the World Figure Skating Championship. A year later she became the youngest individual gold medalist ever at the Winter Olympic Games.

    With her win at the Worlds she did not however launch a long winning streak as many had hoped. She did bump off Michelle Kwan who had won it the year before. She turned professional at an early age and left the amateur circuit for Kwan to dominate for several years afterwords. Kwan would rclaim her title as World champ the following year. We will never see another champion so young as the minimum age was raised jst before Lipinski won her title as she was grandfathered in as the limit was raised.

   The answer to yesterdays trivia question is June 19, 1987 the four team Arena Football league played its first league games. Todays trivia question is what year was the World Figure Skating Championships first held, how many skaters and how many judges were there? The answer in tomorrows daily blog on another football league beginning play.  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Time For Some Overtime

    I have had more jobs in my working career then I care to admit. Many of those jobs have asked me to work later then scheduled and paid overtime to get me to stay on the job. I have collected many hours of overtime over the years. The life of a professional athlete is no different in this manner. Frequently its a heroic effort that forces a contest into overtime. Today we are looking at a few of these games.

  We start on March 21, 1929 at Madison Square Garden in New York. The Rangers and their co-tenants the New York Americans took a scoreless tie into double overtime. During the second overtime the Rangers scored and advanced into the semi-finals against the Toronto Maple Leafs. The overtime goal was the only one scored during the two game series!!

  We move now to 1953 and up the coast to the Boston Garden. The Boston Celtics fought a gallant fight with the Syracuse Nationals before the locals won out in the 4th overtime by a score of 111-105. Moving up to 1980 and over to the Windy City we arrive at Chicago Stadium with the Denver Nuggets. The Nuggets took the Bulls into triple overtime before disappointing the home fans with a 134-128 win.

   The overtime madness spilled over to the next day when on March 22, 1955 the Fort Wayne Pistons and the Minneapolis Lakers met at the Indiana State Fair Coliseum. The game went into overtime, the offense did not. The Pistons only scored one point and won!! The final score was 98-97.

   The answer to yesterdays trivia question. The first grand slam in MLB history was an ultimate grand slam. On September 10, 1881 future Hall of Famer Roger Conner of the Troy Trojans emptied the bases in the bottom of the ninth inning against the Worcester Ruby Legs for a 8-7 win. For those of you who might know the difference between a walk off grand slam and an ultimate grand slam, a walk off grand slam ends the game, where an ultimate grand slam wins the game by one run like Conners blast did.
    The answer to the second part was on October 10, 1920 Game five of the World Series in the first inning Elmer Smith of the Cleveland Indians cleared the bases with a grand slam. The Indians went on to win the game 8-1 and later the series 5 games to two. Four innings later in the top of the fifth inning Indians shortstop Bill Wambsganss made history himself. After catching a line drive he turned to find that the runner from first base was standing next to him and the runner who on second was rounding third base. Wamby turned the catch into an unassisted triple play. The hitter Brooklyn Robins relief pitcher Clarence Mitchell in his other at bat on the day grounded into a double play.

   Todays trivia question is on what date did the original Arena Football League play its first league games. The answer in tomorrows daily blog about an ice skating champion.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Gatornationals First

    Most of posts that you will see on this blog are about team sports. We very frequently report on Baseball, Hockey, Football and Basketball. We sometimes report on Soccer and Lacrosse as well. We do take time out to report on Boxing as well. Today we are heading for the Drag Strip to report on the Gatornationals.
  The Gatornationals are held at the Gainesville Raceway in Gainesville, Florida near the University of Florida campus, the home of the Florida Gators. The race is held in March every year as the first East coast event of the racing season. The race was first held in 1970.

    On March 20, 1992 qualifying for the race was underway. Veteran racer Kenny Bernstein was looking to make his mark on the race. In his second qualifying run he became the first drag racer ever to break 300 mph when he hit a time of 301.70 MPH. The milestone fell at 4:42 PM, history was his.

   The answer to yesterdays trivia question is there were eight clubs that expected to be a part of the 2010 United National Gridiron League when the league pulled the plug and did not hit the playing field. The eight clubs were the Alabama Blackbirds (Birmingham), the Dallas (TX) Bluestorm, the Georgia Slashers (Columbus), the Louisiana Lancers (Shreveport), the Miami (FL) Scorchers, the North Carolina Comets (Winston-Salem), the Ohio Marauders (Massillon) and the Virginia Swarm (Salem).

   Todays trivia question is a two parter, who hit Major League Baseballs first grand slam home run? Part two who hit the first World Series grand slam? The answer in tomorrows daily blog on working overtime.