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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Say Hey, Willie

The biggest event in the baseball world on May 6, 1931 failed to generate coast to coast headlines. It did not even get the attention of the newspapers in Birmingham, Alabama near where this event occurred. Even then if they knew, they probably would have scoffed. Even 20 years later few understood the greatness of this event. Yet just outside of Birmingham, one William Howard Mays was born. I will not try to recap the great career of the "Say Hey" Kid. I do believe very much that if Willie was not the greatest baseball player ever, He was very close to that title. I believe that only "Babe" Ruth could compete with him for that title. Even as a young boy when Willie was reaching the end of his career, I knew and appriecated what a great player he was. I recall buying a book from school on Willie. I may have grown up an Angels fan having been born just a 1/2 mile South of where their stadium now stands, I knew a great ballplayer when I saw one.
Happy Birthday Willie!!!
Tomorrow, we will look at high scoring baseball game from 1988.

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