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Sunday, May 2, 2010

One wild game

Indoor football is still a relative newcomer to the sports world. The sport played its first games in 1988 by the original Arena Football League. Different leagues started popping up in the late 1990s, today we look at one game played in one of those leagues. The National Indoor Football League got its start in 2001. On May 3, 2003 the Utah Warriors played the Austin Rockers in a game at Travis County Exposition Center in Austin. This was no ordinary football game by any stretch of the imagination. The Rockers entered the game with a 3-2 record, the Warriors with a 4-1 record. The Warriors, who had entered the league for the 2003 season, scored 13 touchdowns, 9 of them from passing plays from Quarterback Danny Ragsdale. Five of the touchdowns were scored by on catches by Jason Quinn. They scored on 10 PAT attempts. The Warriors gained a monster 447 yards on offense.
Amazingly enough, even after a monster game like this neither Ragsdale or Quinn ever made it to play in the National Football League. Even the Warriors would leave the league and fade into history after playing only two seasons in the league. The National Indoor Football League itself would play only 4 more seasons after this game. Many minor leagues in the different sports have played with little or no stability their stars flashing before us in the same fashion as a shooting star. Its hard to appreicate the feats of the leagues we follow regularly without taking a look at some of the minor leagues had the feats that happen within those leagues. Tomorrow we go back to the majors and a look at National Hockey League game in the opening of the Stanley Cup finals.

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