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Monday, May 31, 2010

Now that is pitching

May 31, 1947 saw one of the best pitching performances in professional baseball. This great feat was not a no-hitter nor was it pitched in the majors.

This great feat was pitched in the Class A Western League by a future major leaqgue named Bobby Shantz. On this day Shantz of the Licoln A's pitched a 6 hit 4-0 shutout over the des Moines Cubs at Pioneer Memorial Stadium in Des Moines. On the surface this does not appear to be a great feat worthy of our attention some 63 years later, even he did strike out 12 batters.

What made this feat great was the fact that only 17 of his pitches were called balls. No batter in the Cubs lineup saw more then 2 pitches called a ball in a single at bat. Clearly the Cubs needed to go up to the plate swinging on this particular day.

Tomorrow we look at another great pitching feat, this one is career feat.

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