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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lots of Homers, no win

In the Major Leagues the record for most home runs by a single hitter in one game is four. In the minor leagues five hitters have hit more then four home runs in a game. Today we look at a game played on May 30, 1934 in the West Dixie League.

William L "Lou" Frierson of the Paris Pirates had 5 home runs and 8 RBIs in the Pirates 17-12 loss to the Jacksonville Jax. The worse thing about the game was that it was played at League Park in Paris. One can only imagine what it was like to see one of your hitters go do so well in the game and your team still loses.

Every game feat that I have talked about in this blog is a part of my upcoming book "The Great This date in Sports History Book". I will be looking for a publisher soon.

Tomorrow we will look at a pitching feat in the Western League.

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