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Friday, March 11, 2011

Nobody Move!!

    When the minor league version of the American Association began play in 1902, the league did a real good job of finding stable owners in stable cities for the league to play in. The league did such a great job that in the first 50 years of operation, that there were only two franchise shifts. After the 1913 season, the Cleveland Naps in an effort to keep the upstart Federal League out of its territory transferred the Toledo Club of the American Association to Cleveland. The move was made to tie up the ballpark in Cleveland and give any unwanted competition constant competition. In 1913 the Federal League Green Sox were managed by the great Cy Young. The Federal League War lasted but two seasons.

    On March 11, 1916 the Toledo Club was transferred back to the Glass City. The original league lineup was restored and remained intact until ironically the Toledo club moved again this time in June of 1952 to Charleston, WV. The city did not remain out of the league for long aas the following spring it was Milwaukees turn to move. When the Braves announced their move to Milwaukee, the Brewers moved to Toledo. The league went through several more moves before shutting down for a six year period in the 1960s.

   It is time to answer yesterdays trivia question about a five time Wimbledon champion, who won a silver metal at the 1908 Olympic games. The question inplies that all one had to do was to look up who won a silver metal in tennis and check their record at Wimbledon. The truth is the silver metalist won the award in a different sport, ladies archery. Many people may know the name, but not the person. Today when one hears a person bragging about many great achievements, they get a response of "Well, Lottie Dod". So who is is this Lottie Dod. She is the answer to yesterdays trivia question of course. Charlotte Dod was an English woman born in a well to do family. The families athletic achievements were very well known in their day. Charlotte herself was quite accomplished at Tennis, Archery, Golf and several other sports. Many were jealous over her great talents. Thus the mere name brings forth a tort to braggers.

     Todays trivia question is how many teams were in the 1967 Continental Football League? The answer in tomorows daily blog about two extreme Basketball performances. Have a great weekend everyone!!


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