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Thursday, March 17, 2011

The First Professional League

    On March 17, 1871 the very first all professional sports league was formed when the National Association of Professional Baseball Clubs was formed. The league has been refered to as the National Association for a shorter name. The original cost for a franchise was ten dollars. The league very quickly raised $90 in franchise fees. The teams were the Boston (MA) Red Stockings, Chicago (IL) White Stockings, Cleveland (OH) Forest Citys, Fort Wayne (IN) Kekiongas, New York (NY) Mutuals, Philadelphia (PA) Athletics, Rockford (IL) Forest Citys, Troy (NY) Haymakers and the Washington (DC) Olympics.

   The teams played between 19 and 33 league games. The season began on May 4 and the final league game was not played until October 30. The league would play 4 more seasons with clubs moving in and out of the league lineup seeming at will. The scores of games were frequently quite high as totals in the 30s in runs scored were not uncommon. One league game set a record for most runs scored by both clubs that stands today a final score of 49-33. After five seasons it was time for the National League to come into play as a replacement. Two of the clubs that moved from the National Association are still members of the national League today, the Cubs and Braves.

   The answer to yesterdays trivia question is the original Baltimore Bullets played seven seasons in the NBA. They started paly in the fall of 1947 and folded after the 1953-54 season. Todays trivia question is what date did the Major Indoor Soccer League play its first game? The answer in tomorrows daily blog about high scoring games.   

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