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Friday, January 14, 2011

A Swim Down Under

     Most of the entries in this blog have been about team sports like Baseball, Hockey, Football and Basketball. A few of my entries have been about Soccer, one or two have been about Boxing or Horse Racing. Given that this blog is less then a year old, I have not had the chance to expand out as much as I would like to. Today we are going to take a look at swimming, not necessary a well known event that made swimming history that clearly many hard core fans of the sport remember well the event decades later, but a record breaking feat none the less. In the coming years, I hope to show many readers the deep depths of sports history. The type of stuff that will win you bar bets and trivia contests.
   We now go back to January 14, 1960 to a swim meet in Sydney, Australia. One of the competitors at the meet was a 15 year old emigrate from Latvia, Ilsa Konrads. In the Women's 1500 freestyle race, she set a new world record with a time of 19:25.7. Her performance shaved a full 37.4 seconds off the previous record. She was the first women to swin the 1500 in under 20 minutes. Todays record is under 16 minutes. Ilsa brother John won an Olympic gold medal at the 1960 games in Rome, Italy.
    Tomorrow we will will look at two Football firsts taking place at the same venue, 28 years apart. Any suggestions please leave comment, I would love to see feedback from my readers.

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