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Monday, January 31, 2011

Hank and his High Scoring Friends

On January 31, 1989 the Loyola-Marymount University Lions and United States International University San Diego Gulls gather at Gersten Pavilion on the Loyola-Marymount campus. In their previous meeting, which occured at San Diego just three and a hlf weeks earlier, the Lions won by a score of 162-144. Many fans were wondering if yet an another new record would set between the 2 teams. 

  It did not take the teams long to put the entire recordbook in danger of needing a serious rewriite. In the first half the Lions raced off to a 94-76 lead at the half. Many games at the college level cant reach scores like that in a whole 40 minute game, let alone one 20 minute half. The Lions coached by Paul Westhead were very much a high offense machine. By the time the smoke cleared the Lions had a 181-150 win for a record that still stands.
    The Lions were led by Junior Hank Gathers, a very promising center, who had 41 points and 29 rebounds. Gathers unfortunately never lived to see the NBA. During his senior year he had an episode where he collapsed at the foul line, he was diagosed with a heart problem. It was believed that the problem was under control and gathers was allowed to return to the court. On March 4, 1990 he collapsed again. He was rushed to the hospital and pronouced dead on arrival. He was 23 years old.

   Tomorrow we will check in with the Indiana Pacers during their ABA days. have a great week!!  

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