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Monday, July 19, 2010

Home runs and Old Timers

Today is the anniversary of the first Cracker Jack Old Timers game. The game was played on July 19, 1982 at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC. The biggest highlight of the game was a home run hit by 75 year old Luke Appling off Warren Spahn. The "Blast" traveled only 250 feet, however it was because fences had been brought in for the game. The game was played for the next 3 years at RFK Stadium through 1985. The game traveled after that, however I am not sure for how long. I have found solid evidence that the game was played as late as 1987. I am quite certian that I remember the game being played in Anaheim, California in 1989. Memory however can not be considered as solid enough evidence in this case. I have tried to do some research on the topic however my current sources have showed nothing. I would love to see this series renewed however, a willing corporate sponser would have to be found. What a great game, it would be. Anyone want to see Cal Ripkin swing a bat, just one more time?

Tomorrow we will look at a very early box office first.

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