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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fourth of July fireworks

Fireworks and bonfires have been a part of the fourth of July holiday since the beginning. many Americans have enjoyed these traditions year after year. Sometimes these traditions end up getting out of hand. Take for example, Dugdale Field in Seattle, Washington. On July 4, 1932 a fire at the field burned the park to the ground. The Indians were forced to play at Civic Field for the next 6 years until Sicks Stadium opened in June of 1938.

In 1944 disaster struck again. Oriole Park in Baltimore, Maryland suffered the same fate. The Orioles like the Indians were forced to play in another park for years afterwords. The orioles played at Memorial Stadium even after joining the Aamerican League. Thankfully the loss of a baseball park is not a holiday tradition.

Tomorrow we look at three leagues that failed to complete their only season of play.

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