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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The First No-No

Here we are just two days removed from the first no-hitter in the histiry of the Tampa Bay Rays by Matt Garza. Somewhere in the deep dark history of the game is the first no-hitter ever. On July 28, 1875 in the National Association, 21 year old Joseph E. Borden of the Philadelphia White Stockings pitched a 4-0 no-hitter over the Chicago White Stockings. It was the first no-hitter in professional baseball history. The game was played at Jefferson Street Grounds in Philadelphia.

The Philadelphia Club was near the end of its three year run in the league. They were not invited to join the National League following year. The Chicago Club was invited to join the National Leqgue when it was founded the following year. They are one of the two clubs from the first year of the National League that are still in the league. They are the only club that has never moved since day one. Borden did play in the National League, pitching 29 games for the Boston Red Caps. He also played 16 games in the outfield. Borden never had the career that Garza is enjoying, but he did have the first no-hitter in a league where high scoring was the rule, not the exception.

Tomorrow we will look at another first, this one in the Pacific Coast League.

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