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Monday, July 12, 2010

Another Ballpark Fire

On July 20th of 1942 the Amsterdam Rugmakers of the Canadian-American League had scheduled their parent club, the mighty New York Yankees to play an exhibition game agianst them at their home park Mohawk Hills Park in Amersterdam, New York. The plans for this game were in serious trouble when just eight days before the game, intense flames raced through the park. Club officials thought for sure that they would have to call the game off when the saw the remains of the park. Even the metal stands holding the parks lights in place had melted and twisted into odd shapes.

As the remains of the park cooled off, the light stands slowly twisted themselves back in place and the club officials went to work at repairing the damage. They did such a good job, that on the 20th when the Yanks showed up, they were able to play the game and save the team from almost certian ruin. The team was able to complete their season, but the following season was out of the question as the league suspended operations because of World War II. Thanks to modern fire prevention we do not see things like this happen very often anymore. The last ballpark I am aware that suffered this fate was in March of 1985 when Crockett Park in Charlotte, North Carolina burned down.

Tommorrow we will look at the first World Cup Soccer game.

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