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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Modern Olympic founding

Today we mark the formal founding of the Modern Olympic Games. On June 23, 1896 at the Sorbonne in Paris, France a congress led by Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the Modern International Olympic Committee and awarded the first modern Olympic Games to Athens, Greece. The Greeks had less then two years to prepare for an April 6, 1896 opening ceremony. A modern sports tradition was born.

Baron de Coubertin was born January 1, 1963 in Paris, France, thus he was only 33 at the time of the congress. He later served as one of the early presidents of the IOC. He died on September 2, 1937 at Geneva, Switzerland. He is buried at Lausanne, however his heeart is buried at Olympia in Greece.

Tomorrow we look at lots of runs, lots of innings and some games with little scoring.

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