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Monday, May 17, 2010

One Great finish

Growing up in Southern california I grew accustomed to seeing folks leave a game early. You would ask them why they would say I want to beat the traffic. I could never understand the logic. I once heard a homily in church describing one of the feats I am about to write about.

On May 17, 1996 the Seattle Mariners played the Baltimore Orioles at Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Baltimore in the first of a three game series. If fans were looking for a pitchers duel, they were at the wrong game. Both teams sent pitcher after pitcher trying to find someone who could keep the runners from crossing the plate. As the game went on it got wilder and wilder.

Finally the bottom of the ninth rolled around and the Mariners thanks to 2 runs scored in the top of the ninth held a 13-10 lead. The Orioles were not finished. A double and two walks loaded the bases, however the made two outs in the process of loading the bases for catcher Chris Hoiles. Hoiles got the games 42 hit with a walk off grand slam home run to win the game 14-13. A most exciting finish to be sure. Twentythree players have now had an ultimate grand slam, 14 times the feat like Hoiles can with two outs.

Tomorrow we look at another exciting finish, this one in Hockey.

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