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Monday, May 10, 2010

Following the bouncing basketball clubs

On November 1, 1946 a new basketball league began play. The Basketball Association was trying to wrestle control of the basketball world from the established National Basketball League. After two seasons of play it was clear that a victor in the fight was emerging.
On May 10, 1948 four clubs from the National Basketball League agreed to join the upstart league. The Fort Wayne Pistons, Indianapolis Jets, Minneapolis Lakers and the Rochester Royals were the clubs changing leagues. The Pistons next move was nine years later when the moved to Detroit. The Jets folded a year later. The Lakers next big move was during the 1959-60 season when they announced their move to Los Angeles. The Royals made several moves, first to Cincinnati, then to Kansas City and finally in 1985 to Sacramento, CA, where they are now the Kings.
Just a year later the surviving clubs of the National Basketball League merged into the league that was then renamed the National Basketball Association. I firmly believe that to appreicate a sport is to understand the history of that sport. One can not claim to be American without knowing and appreicating her great history. Why would anyone claim to be a great fan of any sport without knowledge of its history. Many sports have a long and great history, learning about it increasing your appreication for it.
Tomorrow we will look at Football and the founding of the United States Football League.

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